The Search for Happily Ever After
We're always
searchin' for somethin' we don't seem to have within our grasp, be it our car
keys or everlastin' life or happily ever after. Well okay, ya can have yer car
keys if ya know where ya put 'em, but for the other, it's just a pipe dream.
People have been chasin' after the elixir o' life for hundreds o' years an'
never found it. But they're still lookin'. Right now they're figurin' out how
to do brain transplants. Can you imagine that? They're gonna take some o' them
cryogenically frozen bodies they got stored in them fancy freezers, thaw 'em
out an' stick new brains in 'em. Well I suppose all that's mechanically
possible. The brain after all is just a very complicated magneto ya ought to be
able to stick into an old chassis, an' even the chassis can be overhauled with
new parts an' pieces. Good luck with that!
"Happily Ever
After" however, involves the human spirit. So far, the only folks talkin'
about "happily ever after" is them bible thumpers whose guarantee is
directly proportionate to the amount o' money ya put into their coffers. But
they usually get caught up in one scam or another, which puts a lie to their
schemes. Scientists on the other hand don't ever even mention the human spirit.
I don't know if they figure it's connected to or is part o' the brain, but they
seem to have ignored it. Granted, science an' mechanics do a lot o' wonderful
things, no question about it. But there's always a part missin' somewheres.
Like the massive hoopla about the Big Bang theory - now they figured it out an'
they think that's the end. But they still don't know who done it. So they're
exactly at nowhere.
It's the same
thing with the human spirit. The limitless and unstoppable force of it wills
the body to come along and do it's bidding. And that ain't a brain function as
far as I can tell. In fact, I'd be willin' to bet that the spirit ain't a human
thing in the first place. I figure if you was able to find the who dunnit of
the big bang theory, you'd also find the who dunnit of the human spirit,
whatever or whoever you wanna call it. At least that's how it seems to me from
up here on the top shelf.
Just sayin'.