Love vs. Hate
all screwed! Well let’s face it. We’re all lookin’ at the same dilemma, only
from different perspectives. The haters hate everything and are being
emboldened to protest everything they hate. And they’re very vocal about it
too. Not only that, but they get physical with the whole business an’ downright
all remember how in the 1940’s we were killin’ Nazis by the thousands. We all
defamed the KKK an’ the white supremasists who was busy killin’ black people.
An’ now they’re all raisin’ their ugly heads again.
had just about enough o’ them haters! It’s time to stand up to them. They
organize a protest against something or other, so we organize an anti-protest.
Well what starts out as quiet dialogue soon escalates to yellin’ an’ screamin’
to fist fights to runnin’ over somebody with a car to police intervention to .
. . .
we hate them buggers! Oops, what’d I just say?
WE HATE THEM? Darn right we do! Well that sets the stage for interesting
dialogue doesn’t it? Look at what happened last week in Quebec. A bunch of
white supremasists were planning a protest and were gathered inside a building
until they could move out onto the streets and make their particular noise. So
a larger group of anti – white supremasists gathered around the building to drown them out
and shout them down. The trapped protestors finally emerged and walked down to
where they intended to go, in complete silence, then disbursing and goin’ home.
They made the other group look like a bunch of idiots.
from where I’m sittin’ on the top shelf, the dialogue looks to be: Haters –“We
hate you an’ we want our way.” Lovers – Oh yeah? Well we hate you more an’ we
want our way.” What kind of stupid dialogue is that? Like I said at the
beginning- we’re all screwed!